Medical Care

Should you take care of a health problem yourself, make an appointment, come to the UHS walk-in care clinic or go to a hospital emergency department? The UHS Triage Advice Nurse is here to help you choose the best course of care; call (413) 577-5229. In a life-threatening emergency, always call 911 for ambulance transportation to a hospital.

Appointments should be made for routine care, including checkups, minor illnesses, women’s health care, contraceptive services, pediatrics and follow-up care; call (413) 577-5101.

Walk-in care for minor injuries and illnesses is available daily, 8 a.m. to midnight. After hours, telephone triage and consultation services are available. Waiting times vary, but are usually shortest before noon

UHS also offers mental health care, health promotion and substance abuse prevention, pharmacy, eye care and optical services, radiology and ultrasound, laboratory, physical therapy, immunizations, allergy and travel medicine, nutrition services, sports medicine and more. On-site speciality services, available by referral, include obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics, mind/body medicine, and acupuncture. Learn more at

Patients insured by a health maintenance organization or point-of-service plan which requires a referral from their primary care provider (PCP) must obtain a referral for care at UHS. When scheduling an appointment, you'll be reminded of this requirement and asked to provide your PCP's name and address. To avoid the need to obtain a referral, consider switching your PCP designation to a UHS provider.

By law, all UHS visits and medical records are confidential. No information can be released, either verbally or in writing, without consent.

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