UMA Undergraduate Guide 2019-2020
![]() ![]() ![]() Educator Licensure ProgramsThe Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires that all PreK-12 educators complete an approved licensure program and possess an Initial Educator license. The Educator Preparation programs in the College are approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and lead to endorsement for the Initial Educator License. Massachusetts regulations require that candidates for Initial Educator Licensure complete an appropriate bachelor’s degree to the license sought, as well as complete an approved Educator Preparation program. Candidates must also pass a two-part examination in Communication and Literacy Skills and one or two examinations in the subject content of the license sought. Candidates who completed licensure requirements at the University had 100% pass rates on the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL). Teacher preparation for initial licensure programs are available for Early Childhood and Special Education (at the undergraduate level), and Elementary (at the graduate level) and Secondary Education in a variety of subject areas at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Students interested in the undergraduate program should review information in the section titled The Major. Students complete a series of courses leading to Massachusetts licensure. The culminating phase of these programs is a final school-based practicum normally taken during the last semester of the degree program. Admission is by application only. For further information, contact the Advising Center, |