UMA Undergraduate Guide 2018-2019
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Getting Started (Majors Guide)
How to Explore / Get Started in the MajorSuggested General Education CoursesUnder the new guidelines students are still required to take two courses, one in U.S. Diversity and one in Global Diversity. Students entering in Fall 2018 are expected to take one of these diversity courses, either U.S. or Global, in their first year on campus. For Fall 2018 Registration, look for courses with DU (formerly U) and DG (formerly G) to help students stay on track. Any course labled DU will satisfy the requirement for a U.S. diversity course and any course labeled DG will satisfy the the requirement for Global diversity course. Course planning guidelines, including guidelines for students, are available at In general, History, Art History, Legal Studies, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology and Communication courses provide good support for the English major. Suggested Major and Pre-requisite CoursesENGLWRIT 112, then ENGLISH 200 Intensive Literary Studies Seminar for Intended Majors. Before students can register for ENGLISH 200, they need to have declared the major as well as to have completed (or be exempt from) ENGLWRIT 112. How to Declare the MajorBefore enrolling in ENGLISH 200, students must declare the major and must have ENGLWRIT 112 completed. They can do so at any time at the English undergraduate office located in E345 South College. They are assigned a faculty advisor at this time. While enrolled in ENGLISH 200, students may also take many other English courses concurrently. Students must also attend a mandatory orientation session as part of their ENGLISH 200 course. Transfer Students:Before registering for ENGLISH 200, transfers should see the English department advisor at summer orientation to declare the English major. Summary of Requirements for the MajorMinimum total # of credits required: 32 In addition to ENGLWRIT 112 and ENGLISH 200, all majors are required to take:
Is there a minor? If so what are the requirements?
Specializations in American Studies; Creative Writing; New Media and Digital Humanities (NMDH); Professional Writing and Technical Communication (PWTC); and the Study and Practice of Writing (SPOW) are also available for students of any major to pursue. For further information, contact: |