Career and Field Experience Advising

Sixty-five percent of UMass students pursue field experience -- completing an internship or contributing to ongoing faculty research projects -- well before graduation.  To apply for such positions, and for jobs after graduation, students are assisted by a network of resources.  The College of Natural Sciences Career & Professional Development Center provides science-focused one-on-one career advising, and workshops on career development topics such as targeted resume and cover letter writing, how to search for an internship or job, self-promotion through LinkedIn and other social media, and interview preparation (Morrill II Room 215,  Field-specific job and internship fairs are held year round, and daily walk-in resume reviews are provided by CNS Career Peer Advisors every day of the week.  Students also enjoy exclusive access to to Handshake, a comprehensive database of jobs and internships, searchable by major and updated daily with both field experience and employment opportunities.