The Courses
(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.) 100 Introduction to Architecture Design and Graphics I (4 cr, AT) 211 The City (4 cr, HSDG) 230 Design Engagement (4 cr, ATDU) 300 Design I (4 cr) 301 Design II (4 cr) 370 Junior Year Writing 400 Design III (4 cr) 401 Design IV (5 cr) 403 Design V (6 cr) 404 Design VI (6 cr) 520 Building Physics I 540 Analysis and Representation I 541 Analysis and Representation II 550 Tectonics I 591P Seminar- NYPOP/Architecture 597G Special Topics - Building Conservation II 597GS Special Topics - Great Spaces 597K Special Topics - Design for Climate Change 597M Special Topics - Drawing the City