The Major
The Chemical Engineering undergraduate program is focused on the achievement of a set of educational objectives: a) to prepare B.S. graduates for careers in the professional practice of chemical engineering and allied professions; b) to prepare qualified students interested in further study for graduate and professional schools; and c) to maintain and develop a faculty with active, high-quality research programs linked to the undergraduate curriculum for its continued improvement. The curriculum is organized around a set of expected program outcomes. Graduates are expected to be able to: apply knowledge of mathematics, science (particularly chemistry), and chemical engineering; design and conduct experiments, and analyze and interpret data; synthesize, design, and optimize systems, components, and processes; function on multidisciplinary teams; identify, formulate, and solve chemical engineering problems; communicate effectively in writing and orally, and use the techniques, skills, and modern science and engineering tools necessary for chemical engineering practice. Students acquire a broad education necessary to understand the impact of chemical engineering systems in a global and societal context; an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility; a knowledge of contemporary issues in chemical engineering; and a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, lifelong learning. Admission to the Chemical Engineering major is contingent upon earning an overall cumulative grade point average of C (2.000) or better and completing the following courses with a passing grade: CHEM 111**, CHEM 112**, MATH 131, MATH 132, ENGIN 110 (or 111 or 112 or 113), PHYSICS 151*, and Chem-Eng 120. A student must maintain a cumulative GPA of C (2.000) to remain in good standing and earn a minimum cumulative GPA of C (2.000) overall and in the core Chemical Engineering courses to graduate. *Physics 151 (4 credits) for students who entered the University after June 2010. **Chem 111 and Chem 112 may be satisfied by taking the Honors equivalents: Chem 121H and 122H. The curriculum is designed to afford flexibility in the senior year for elective courses and the opportunity to do an internship. The courses of the last two semesters may be taken interchangeably. No course taken on a pass/fail basis may be applied to General Education, major or PR-ENGIN requirements. Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors In addition to fulfilling course requirements, all seniors must complete a survey, before graduation, that assesses their undergraduate education. Notes |
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