The Minor
Specific requirements for a minor in Mathematics are given in 1-4 below. All courses used to satisfy these requirements must be completed with a passing grade, but not with a P. A cumulative GPA of 2.000 across all MATH and STATISTIC courses taken is required.
1. Calculus: MATH 131-132 and MATH 233 or equivalent.
2. Computer Science: proficiency in a computer programming language. May be satisfied by CMPSCI 121, CMPSCI 187, E&C-ENG 242, or equivalent.
3. Linear Algebra: MATH 235.
4. Upper-Division Courses: four upper-division courses, of at least three credits each. At least two of these four courses must be taken in the department. At most one of the four courses may be in a field other than mathematics and statistics. Any course taken in another department must be approved by the Chief Undergraduate Adviser.