The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

100 Introduction to Kinesiology (BS) (both sem) (4 credits)

110 Human Performance and Nutrition (BS) (both sem) (4 credits)

110H Human Performance and Nutrition

196 Independent Study

196H Honors Indep Study In Kin

215 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (both sem)

270/271 Anatomy and Physiology I (both sem) (4 credits)

272/273 Anatomy and Physiology II (both sem) (4 credits)

296 Independent Study

296H Honors Indep Study In Kin

297G Neuromechanics of Human Motion

297P Exercise in Health and Disease

297WP Wellness Programming (both sem)

311 Anatomy/Human Motion

340 Exercise Testing and Programming (1st sem)

355 Writing Seminar in Kinesiology (both sem)

390T Introduction to Therapeutic Exercise

394AI Applying Kin Concepts to Real-World Health Challenges

396 Independent Study

396H Honors Indep Study In Kin

397S Clinical and Public Health Implications of Obesity

398 Practicum

398A Practicum - Exposure to Sports Medicine

430 Biomechanics (both sem)

440 Wellness for All (both sem)

460 Motor Control (both sem)

470 Exercise Physiology (both sem)

496 Independent Study

496H Honors Indep Study In Kin

498 Practicum

498F Teaching Practicum

498Y Internship Practicum

499P Honors Project

499T Honors Thesis

499Y Honors Research



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