The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

101 Introduction to Black Studies

117 Survey of Afro-American Literature (ALU) (1st sem)

118 Survey of Afro-American Literature II (ALU, 4 credits) (2nd sem)

132 Afro-American History, 1619-1860 (HSU, 4 credits) (1st sem)

133 Afro-American History, Civil War to 1954 (HSU) (2nd sem)

151 Literature and Culture (ALU, 4 credits)

155 Revolutionary Concepts in Afro-American Music I (ATU) (1st sem)

156 Revolutionary Concepts in Afro-American Music II (ATU) (2nd sem)

161 Introduction to Afro-American Political Science (SBU)

170 The Grassroots Experience in American Life and Culture I (I, U) (1st sem)

171 The Grassroots Experience in American Life and Culture II (I, U) (2nd sem)

190G Racism and the American Experience

191A  African American Short Stories

191B  Afro-American Literature of the 1950s

192F  Freshman Survival Techniques

197A  Taste of Honey: Black Film of the 1950s, Part 1

197B  Taste of Honey: Black Film of the 1950s, Part 2

222  The Black Church in America

232  The History of Black Nationalism

234  Literature of the Harlem Renaissance (ALU, 4 credits)

235 Black Sociological Thought (SBU)

236 History of the Civil Rights Movement (HSU, 4 credits)

238 Arts and Cultural Identity

243 Afro-American Folklore

244 Afro-American Poetry: Beginning to 1900 (ALU)

245 The Slave Narrative

252 Afro-American Image in American Writing

253 Pre-Civil War Black Writers

254 Introduction to African Studies (HSG, 4 credits)

257 Contemporary African-American Novel

262 Radical Traditions in American History

264 Foundations of Black Education in the U.S. (HSU)

265 The Blues Came Down Like Dark Night Showers of Rain (ATU)

290G Introduction to Black Global Studies

290J Black and White Women Writers

291E The Black Seventies Through Film

293N Voices of New Africa House, Part I

293P Voices of New Africa House, Part II

297A Black Springfield: Revisited

297B African American Women's Narratives

297C War, Freedom, Peace, and Patriotism in African American Literature 

297D African American Image in Film

297F Black Women in the Americas and the Caribbean

297G Introduction to Global Black Studies

297S The Unknown Soldiers: History of Black Troops in the U.S. Military

326 Black Women in U.S. History (HSU)

331 Life and Writings of W.E.B. Du Bois (U)

332 Blacks and Jews (U)

345 Southern Literature (ALU)

350 African American Islam

354 Contemporary African Novel

361 Revolution in the Third World

362 Writings of Frantz Fanon

365 Composition: Style and Organization (both sem)

390A Jazz and Blues Literature (ALU)

390B Life and Work of Richard Wright

390C Afro-American Literature of the 1930s (ALU)

390D Langston Hughes (ALU)

390E Race, Ethnicity and Gender in U.S. History (HSU)

390G Uncle Tom’s Cabin

390J Cross-Disciplinary Contemporary Issues: War and Patriotism in African American Literature and History (I, U)

390K The Life and Art of Sterling A. Brown

391-395 Seminars

391A Political Thought of Martin and Malcolm

391B Modern Afro-American Women Novelists

391C Creative Writing-Fiction

391E  Afro-American Literature of the 1940s

391F Afro-American Literature of the 1950s

391G Critique of the Concept of Racism

392B Crossroads in African-American Thought

392C Songbirds, Blueswomen and Soulwomen 

394A  African Art History

394B Asian & Black Relations

395A The Writings of Chinua Achebe

397A  Abolition & Anti-Slavery

397B Native Americans & African Americans, Part I

397C Black Globalization and Imperialism

397F Native Americans & African Americans, Part 2

491C Cuba: Social History of Race, Class and Gender

494DI Du Bois Senior Seminar

591A Gender in Pan-African Studies

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