Faculty First-Year Seminars

Faculty First-Year Seminars (FFYS) offer first-year students an opportunity to work closely with a tenure/tenure track faculty in their first year in college.

Faculty from across campus are teaching seminars on a wide variety of exciting topics.

"Media, Fashion, Culture, and Style", "Arsenic Around the World", "The Science of Chocolate" are just a few of the fascinating seminars that are available to first-year students for Spring 2012. These seminars offer direct access to UMass Amherst's distinguished faculty and the passion they bring to the classroom and their research.

Enrolling in a Faculty First-Year Seminar will make the campus feel "smaller" and will also introduce you to a knowledgeable faculty member who will provide you with mentoring and advice as you begin your experience as a college student at a large research university.

Students can enroll in these seminars directly on Spire (search UNIV "begins with" 197). If you would like help selecting and registering for a seminar feel free to contact an academic advisor. http://ualc.umass.edu/firstyearseminars/facultyfirstyearseminars/

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