UMA Undergraduate Guide 2011-2012
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The Courses
(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.) Plant, Soil and Insect Sciences (PLSOILIN) 100 Botany for Gardeners (BS) (both sem) 4 cr 101 Insects and Related Forms 102 Introductory Botany (1st sem) 4 cr 103 Plant Science (2nd sem, 7 weeks) 1.5 cr 104 Plant Nutrients (2nd term, 7 weeks) 1.5 cr 105 Soils (BSL) (2nd sem) 4 cr 106 Soils (BS) (2nd sem) 107 Turfgrass Insects (2nd sem) 2 cr 109 Insects of Ornamentals (1st sem) 111 Horticultural Plant Pathology (2nd sem, 7 weeks) 2 cr 112 Turfgrass Pathology Laboratory (2nd sem, 7 weeks) 2 cr 113 Horticultural Pathology Laboratory (1st sem) 2 cr 115 Plants, Soils, and the Environment (SI) (2nd sem) 120 Organic Farming and Gardening (BSL) (both sem) 4 cr 126 Insects and Human Society (BS) 140 Plagues: The Ecology of Disease (BS) (2nd sem) 4 cr 182 Principles of Pesticide Management 185 Sustainable Living (I) (2nd sem) 4 cr 190E Evolution Explained (BS) (1st sem) 190C Cultural Entomology (G) (1st sem) 200 Plant Propagation (1st sem) 230 Introductory Turfgrass Management (1st sem) 4 cr 232 Turf Machinery (2nd sem, 7wks) 1 cr 234 Irrigation and Drainage (2nd sem) 2 cr 235 Pruning Fruit Crops (2nd sem) 2 cr 240 Applied Calculations in Turfgrass Management (2nd sem) 2 cr 255 Herbaceous Plants (2nd sem) 265 Sustainable Agriculture (1st sem) 271 Using Insects in the Classroom (BSL) 275 Turfgrass Physiology (2nd sem) 280 Herbs, Spices, and Medicinal Plants (BS) (2nd sem) 4 cr 290A Principles of Modern Biotechnology (1st sem) 297C Traditional Herbal Medicine 297D Traditional Herbal Medicine 297J Clinical Herbalism I (1st sem) 1 cr 297K Clinical Herbalism II (2nd sem) 1 cr 298G Gardenshare Practicum 300 Deciduous Orchard Science 305 Small Fruit Production 310 Principles of Weed Management (1st sem) 315 Greenhouse Management (1st sem) 4 cr 321 Greenhouse Crop Production I 325 Vegetable Crop Production 326 Insect Biology (1st sem) 335 Greenhouse Crop Production II (2nd sem) 4 cr 340 Advanced Turfgrass Management 342 Pesticides, Public Policy and the Environment (1st sem) 350 Soil and Crop Management (1st sem) 370 Tropical Agriculture (2nd sem) 375 Soil and Water Conservation 380 Technical Writing (both sem) 382 Writing for Sustainability (2nd sem) 390E Praxis / Sustainable Food & Farming (both sem) 1cr 391B Sem: Turfgrass Science & Management (1st sem) 1 cr 391T Sem: Teaching Sustainable Living (2nd sem) 397C Community Food Systems (1st sem) 397F Pest Management for Greenhouse Crops (2nd sem, 7wks) 2 cr 397K Insect Ecology and Management 397M Applied Marketing for Green Industry (1st sem) 397P Introductory Plant Physiology 397T Molecular Systematics Lab 490A Global Issues in Applied Biology 496 Independent Study (both sem) 1-6 cr Plant and Soil Sciences (PLNTSOIL) 505 General Plant Pathology (1st sem) 4 cr 510 Management and Ecology of Plant Diseases (2nd sem) 515 Microbiology of Soil (2nd sem) 525 Mycology (1st sem odd yrs) 4 cr 530 Plant Nutrition (1st sem) 4 cr 535 Diagnostic Plant Pathology 540 Plant Breeding (2nd sem even yrs) 545 Postharvest Physiology 550 Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture (2nd sem) 555 Urban Plant Biology(1st sem) 560 Advanced Weed Science 565 Soil Formation, Classification, and Land Use (2nd sem) 4 cr 575 Environmental Soil Chemistry 580 Soil Fertility (2nd sem) 585 Inorganic Contaminants in Soil, Water, and Sediment (2nd sem) 590A Plant Stress Physiology (1st sem) 590B Project Development in Sustainable Food & Farming (2nd sem) 597A Phyto/Bioremediation 597D Wetland Plant Identification & Ecology (1st sem even yrs) 597L Wetland Delineation: Federal Procedure (1st sem odd yrs) 597M Topics in Turf Pathology 597O Organic Contaminants in Soils, Waters, and Sediments 597V Integrated Turf Management 597W Artificial Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment (1st sem even yrs) Entomology (ENTOMOL) 511 Insect Behavior (1st sem odd yrs) 523 Biological Control (2nd sem even yrs) 572 Insects and Diseases of Forests and Shade Trees (2nd sem odd yrs) 574 Medical Entomology 590A Insect Identification (1st sem even yrs) 597A Insect-Plant Interactions |
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