The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

101 The Jewish People I (AT) 4 cr

102 The Jewish People II (HSG) 4 cr

101/H01; 102/H02 Honors Colloquia for The Jewish People I/II  1 cr

191, 192, 193, 194, 195 Seminars 1 cr

301 The Bible and Archaeology

305 Judaism and Christianity in the Ancient World (HS)

313 Transformation and the Jews

319 Representing the Holocaust (ALG) 4 cr

322 American Diversity  4 cr

323 Jewish Utopia/Dystopia

324 Slavery in Comparative Religious Perspective (HSG) 4 cr

325 Jews, Christians and Islam in the Middle Ages (HSG)

333 Jewish Philosophers of the 20th Century

335 The Jewish Experience in Europe

343 American Jewish Diversity (HSG)

344 Film and Society in Israel

345 The Making of Modern Jewry (HSG)

350 Jewish Law and Society (SBG)

353 Sephardic Cultures and Literatures of the Spanish Diaspora

354 Jewish Theatre and Film

360 Biblical Tales and Legends

363 Negotiating Religion and State

365 Antisemitism in Historical Perspective (HSG)

366 Modern Israel: History, Society, Culture

367 Israel in the 20th Century: Society and Literature

373 Jewish Travelers and Travel Liars: Exploration and Imagination, Ancient to Modern Times (HSG)

374 Culture and Immigration in Israel

375 The Jewish Experience in America (HSU)

376 Post-Holocaust Thought

383 Women, Gender, Judaism

385 The Jews of Eastern Europe (HSG)

(HISTORY) 387 History of the Holocaust

390B World Jewry Since 1945

390C Jewish Mysticism

390G Women in Patriarchy (HSG)

390I Popular Culture in Israel and Palestine

390K Jews in the Age of the Atlantic Slave Trade

391B Jewish-American Literature

391C The Proverb

391F Jewish Women Writers

392B Blacks and Jews: A Comparative Study of Oppression

392F Secularization in Modern Israel

392K World Jewish Cultures: Diaspora and Peoplehood

392L Jews of Muslim Lands: Responses to Modernity

392M Jewish Labor Movement in Amercia

392N History of the Jewish Graphic Novel

392O Jewish Theatre and Film

393B Comic Art in North America

393C Introduction to the Graphic Novel

393J American Jewish History

394A Major Issues in Contemporary Jewish Life and Culture

395A Family and Sexuality in Judaism

(ANTHRO) 397AA Archaeology of Israel & Palestine

397J Observing Jewish Cultures

397R Jewish Folklore

398W Junior Year Writing Requirement 2 cr

497 Special Topics: The Writings of Elie Wiesel


Twelve credits of Hebrew (HEBREW 110-120-230-240, or 126-246, or the Biblical Hebrew 4-semester sequence) fulfill the College of Humanities and Fine Arts language requirement. Judaic Studies majors must take 18 credits of Hebrew to fulfill major requirements (see above). No more than six degree credits may be earned in courses at the Intermediate level (HEBREW 230/240 or 246).

Note on Elementary and Intermediate Hebrew: No more than six credits may be earned for any combination of courses at the Elementary level (HEBREW 110, 120, 126). No more than six credits may be earned in courses at the Intermediate level (HEBREW 230/240 and 246).

110 Elementary Modern Hebrew I

111 Elementary Biblical Hebrew I

120 Elementary Modern Hebrew II

121 Elementary Biblical Hebrew II

126 Intensive Hebrew I 6 cr

230 Intermediate Modern Hebrew I

231 Readings in Hebrew Bible

240 Intermediate Modern Hebrew II

241 Readings in Classical Hebrew Text

246 Intensive Hebrew II 6 cr

290A Hebrew through the Media I

290B Hebrew through the Media II

298 Practicum 1-12 cr

301 Advanced Modern Hebrew I

302 Advanced Modern Hebrew II

351 Readings in Modern Hebrew I

352 Readings in Modern Hebrew II

361 Modern Hebrew Literature I

362 Modern Hebrew Literature II

MIDEAST 392A S-Semitic Linguistics I

398 Practicum 1-12 cr

411 Hebrew Linguistics


101 Elementary Yiddish I

102 Elementary Yiddish II

197A Introduction to Reading Yiddish

197B Introduction to Yiddish Language and Culture

397A Readings in Yiddish Literature and Culture


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