
Residential Academic Programs (RAPs) are offered in all residence halls designated for first-year students. In this residential setting, students work cooperatively on assignments, begin fulfilling degree requirements, and become active members of an academic learning community. Students also benefit from interactions with upper class student staff and participation in social and co-curricular activities that enhance their experience and adjustment to the university. During the fall semester RAP students have between one to three classes together, either a small class taught in the residential area or a lecture class taught on the main campus with a designated discussion section or lab for students who live together. Many RAPs include a one-credit seminar designed to give students a structured opportunity to explore a topic of interest together as well as to assist with the transition to university life. All Focus RAP students enroll in OASIS, a one-credit seminar for undeclared first-year students, taught by an adviser from Undergraduate Advising.

Main Office: Hampden Student Center - Room 200
Phone: (413) 545-2803
Fax: (413) 577-1809
Website: www.rap.umass.edu

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