UMA Graduate Bulletin 2015-2016
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Accelerated Masters Program
Five-Year (Accelerated) B.S./M.S. in Civil & Environmental Engineering The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE) offers a five-year program through which students can obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in CEE and a Master of Science degree in CEE in five years. The accelerated program provides students with the opportunity to obtain these degrees in less time than would be required when pursuing them independently. In addition, the accelerated program offers a simplified process for admission to the Graduate School. Students may transfer up to 9 credits (typically three courses) of graduate credit from their undergraduate years towards their graduate requirements provided these credits are not used to fulfill the B.S. requirements. Eligibility Requirements The five-year B.S./M.S. program in CEE is open to all CEE majors who are ranked in the top 1/3 of their class by GPA in January of their junior year. Students who do not meet this requirement may still apply to the graduate program through regular channels and will receive full consideration. Any admissions to the accelerated program are conditional upon continued high level academic achievement. Application and Admission Process Students who are interested in being admitted to the five-year program need to fill out and submit the appropriate application form which will be provided to them during the spring of their junior year. These applications will be accompanied by complete instructions. Once admitted to the five-year program, students have the commitment of CEE that they will be recommended for admission to the M.S. program in CEE after completion of their B.S. degree provided they continue to perform well academically. Final decisions on admissions to graduate programs are made by the Graduate School. Once admitted to the M.S. program in Civil and Environmental Engineering, students can transfer up to nine credit hours of prior courses taken beyond their B.S. degree into the M.S. degree. The remaining courses are taken while enrolled in the M.S. program. All degree requirements for the B.S. degree and the M.S. degree need to be met. The five-year program does not affect the requirements for either one of these degree programs. |
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