UMA Graduate Bulletin 2015-2016
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Coursework, Grading and Academic Standing
Course Numbering System at the University of Massachusetts
Fixed Numbers (Graduate/Undergraduate)
Fixed Numbers (Graduate)
Retaking Courses Unless otherwise noted a course may be taken more than once but may be offered only once toward degree requirements. Grading Policy The following letter grades can be given to graduate students in graduate-level courses: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, F. These grades carry the following numerical equivalents for purposes of computing cumulative averages: A = 4.000, A- = 3.700, B+ = 3.300, B = 3.000, B- = 2.700, C+ = 2.300, C = 2.000, and F = 0. Graduate students enrolled in undergraduate courses may receive grades of C-, D+ and D (C- = 1.700, D+ = 1.300, D = 1.000). Incompletes A student can obtain credit for an "incomplete" only by finishing the work of the course before the end of one calendar year from the time of enrollment in that course. At the end of that period, if a grade is not submitted an IF (Incomplete Failure) will be recorded. The initiative in arranging for the removal of an "incomplete" rests with the student. This regulation does not apply to thesis and dissertation credits but does apply to terminal project credits. Academic Dismissal A student who in any two semesters, consecutive or otherwise, has semester averages of below 2.800 is subject to academic dismissal. Academic Average for Graduate Degrees In the courses which a student is offering to satisfy degree requirements, a minimum standard for satisfactory work is a 3.000 average. Satisfactory or Reasonable Progress A student must make satisfactory and reasonable progress toward completion of a degree program within the Statute of Limitations for that degree. A student who is not making satisfactory or reasonable progress is subject to termination. Thesis and Dissertation Credits (Thesis 699 and Dissertation 899) The required number of thesis and dissertation credits varies by program. They range up to a maximum of 10 for master's theses and from a minimum of 10 to 18 for doctoral dissertations. No student is exempt from this requirement; normal tuition rates will apply. These credits will be graded IP (In Progress) until the thesis or dissertation has been accepted by the Graduate School at which time these credits will be converted to SAT (Satisfactory). Transfer of Courses and Credits Taken Over and Above Credits Earned For a Bachelor's Degree An undergraduate student in the senior year at any of the Five College institutions who will earn during that year more credits than are needed for the bachelor's degree may register concurrently for graduate credits at the University of Massachusetts after securing the permission of the graduate course instructor. The student registers for these credits in the normal registration process. The Graduate School will accept a maximum of six credits earned via this method, provided that 1) the student is accepted into a Master's program, 2) the student's graduate program director recommends the transfer, and 3) the undergraduate registrar certifies that the courses were over and above those needed by the student for the Bachelor's degree. Acceptance of such courses follows transfer guidelines in force at the time of petition. |
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