Master of Arts (in Art Education)

The M.A. in Art Education program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst provides candidates opportunities to advance their practice as artists, teachers and researchers.  The 36-credit program consists of advanced and extended study in Art Education, studio arts, art history, and education.  The M.A. in Art Education program emphasizes critical examination of Art Education research, curricula in schools, and professional practices.  The curriculum is developed from: studio art experience and practice; art history and criticism; and research, literature, and theory in the fields of art education and education.

M.A. program requirements include required coursework in Art Education curriculum and research and advanced electives in Studio Arts, Art History, and Education. Completion of a substantive independent research project, related to contemporary Art Education also is required. A minimum of 12 credits must be at the 600 level or above.

Admission. Admission to the M.A. Program in Art Education requires a bachelor’s degree in studio art or art education, or the equivalent based upon faculty review, and a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA. All candidates must submit two letters of recommendation and a slide portfolio of their own work.


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