
All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise specified.

530 Human Neuropsychology
Introduction to the causes, diagnosis, effects and treatment of human neurological and neuropsychological disorders. Emphasis on inferences that can be made about human brain functions from the effects of neurological disorders. Prerequisite: PSYCH 330 or equivalent.

535 Drugs and Behavior
Principles of pharmacology, behavioral testing, brain structure and neuron morphology, neurochemistry, mode and site of action of antianxiety and antipsychotic drugs, analgesics, hypnotics, sedatives and anesthetics. Recreational drugs such as tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines. Prerequisite: introductory psychology. Some chemistry recommended.

572 Neurobiology
Biology of nerve cells and cellular interactions in nervous systems. Lectures integrate structural, functional, developmental, and biochemical approaches. Topics include neuronal anatomy and physiology, membrane potentials, synapses, development of neuronal connections, visual system, cerebellum and control of movement, and neural plasticity. Prerequisites: BIOLOGY 523 or 560; or both PSYCH 330 and BIOLOGY 102.

581 Applied Behavior Analysis
Basic professional and paraprofessional skills of applied behavior analysis. Topics include: goals and objectives, observational recordings, ethics, selection of procedures; increasing, teaching, and reducing behavior via positive procedures; evaluation. Prerequisite: introductory psychology.

586 Psychology of Persuasion
Psychological processes underlying persuasion. Theory and research of persuasive communication in relation to strategies of belief, attitude, and behavior change. Implications for advertising, voting, and other applied areas. Prerequisite: PSYCH 100; PSYCH 360 recommended.

591-595 Seminar in Psychology
For advanced undergraduates and graduate students. A survey and critical evaluation of literature pertaining to selected topics in psychology. Many different topics offered each semester.

605 Advanced Educational Psychology
Psychological principles and concepts as related to educative process and their application to teaching. Primarily for graduate students in education, psychology, and related fields.

607 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Applications of psychological principles and of research methodology to human problems in industrial and organizational settings. Motivation, attitudes, group behavior, leadership, personnel selection, performance appraisal, and training. Prerequisites: graduate standing with background in social-behavioral sciences.

617 Cognitive Psychology
This course explores the underlying representations and processes of adult cognition.  The history of cognitive psychology, concepts and categories, memory, judgement and decision-making, problem solving, language. Includes an introduction to models of cognition.

618 Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience
An overview of systems neuroscience, with special emphasis on cognition, including perception, recognition, attention, and motor control.  Includes both theoretical and lab components covering neuroanatomy, neurohistology, brain imaging, and behavioral analysis.

620 Learning and Animal Behavior
Survey of learning and behavior from a biological perspective. Topics include conditioning, generalization and discrimination, motivation, language and communication, memory, ethology, behavioral ecology, and sociobiology.

630 Research Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience
Intensive overview of the field. Topics include introduction to neuroanatomy, techniques used in investigations of brain function, physiological bases of emotion, motivation, reward and punishment, species-typical behavior; learning, and memory.

640 Statistical Inference in Psychology I (1st sem)
Application of statistical procedures to analysis of psychological data and to problems of measurement in psychology and related fields. Prerequisites: PSYCH 100 and 240 or STATISTC 111.

641 Statistical Inference in Psychology II
Continuation of PSYCH 640. Introduction to analysis of variance and correlational techniques, related to the general problem of inference in the social sciences. Prerequisite: PSYCH 640.

642 Correlation and Regression
Reasoning and assumptions underlying correlation and regression analysis, inference; trend analysis and analysis of variance and covariance as special cases of multiple regression analysis; introductions to reliability, factor analysis, causal analysis, and multivariate techniques. Prerequisites: PSYCH 640 and 641 or equivalent.

643 Research Methods in Social Psychology
Introduction to the scientific methods and practical aspects of conducting research in social and personality psychology. Emphasis on the development of such skills as experimental design, construction of reliable and valid measurement procedures, critical analysis of research literature, and effective writing of empirical papers. May be repeated for additional credit. Maximum credit, 12.

644 Orientation to Clinical Psychology
Introduction to the clinical psychology program and the nature, history and current issues in the field of clinical psychology, including research-practice models, social cultural considerations, and clinical observation. Required of and limited to entering clinical psychology graduate students.

645 Nature and Methods of Inquiry/Psychometrics
Fundamentals of research, the varieties of method, and practicalities of application in clinical psychology research. Generally limited to beginning graduate students in clinical psychology. Required of clinical psychology students. Others by consent of instructor. Credit, 2-3.

650 Brain Development and Behavior
Survey of current literature relating to the physiological and neural bases of psychological development: pre- and post-natal brain-behavior relationships, effects of early experience, early brain damage and behavior, sex differences in brain-behavior development. Prerequisite: course in physiological psychology or neurobiology.

660 Advanced Social Psychology
Overview of theory and experimental research in social psychology. Topics include social perception, attitude structure and change, dyadic interaction, and group processes.

661 Attitudes and Opinions
Theory, methods, and data concerned with the nature and structure of attitudes and opinions, formation of attitudes, and attitude change in response to communication and interpersonal influence.

662 Improving Group Relations
This course examines social psychological research on strategies to improve relations between groups and potential strengths and weaknesses depending on the relative statuses and conflict histories of the groups involved.

664 Group Dynamics
Interpersonal and group processes; attraction, influence, group structure, communication, cooperation, leadership, group performance. Focus on theory, experimentation, and special problems of the field. Prerequisite: a course in psychology and statistics.

670 Personality
Basic concepts and principles, including theoretical research issues. Emphasis on recent research in specific areas of personality.

680 Psychopathology
Introduction to alternative views of abnormality; clinical theory and research on psychopathology.

681 Assessment I
Introduction to clinical interviewing, observation, and testing. Directed by clinical supervisors. Consent of instructor required.

682 Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy with Adults
This course provides clinical psychology graduate and respecialization students with a thorough grounding in the history, evolution and current status of the adult psychotherapy field from theoretical, empirical and clinical perspectives.

683 Advanced Psychological Assessment
Projective testing and diagnostic foundations. Directed by clinical supervisors. Consent of instructor required.

684 Behavioral Perspectives in Clinical Psychology
Part of the core course sequence within the Clinical Training Program. A proseminar in generic behavioral therapy, covering theory, research, and practice taking a behavioral-empirical approach to clinical issues. Topics include overview of clinical behavior therapy; specific assessment and intervention procedures for different clinical problems.

685 Psychodynamic Perspectives in Clinical Psychology
Psychological phenomena and pathology, including general processes of clinical diagnosis and treatment. Required of clinical psychology students; others with consent of instructor.

686 Social Ecology Perspectives in Clinical Psychology
Psychological phenomena and pathology, including general processes of clinical diagnosis and treatment. Required of clinical graduate students; open to other psychology graduate students; others with consent of instructor.

687 Ethics and Professional Development in Psychology
This course consists of 1) an overview of the ethical principles and conduct pertaining to clinical practice, research and teaching, and 2) a consideration of challenges and risks in the professional practice of psychology. Open only to doctoral students in the clinical psychology program.

688 Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy with Children, Adolescents and Families
This course represents the second half of a year-long sequence focusing on assessment, psychopathology and treatment of children, adolescents and families (the first half of the sequence being Psych 681). The primary goal of this course is to provide a foundation of knowledge to clinical psychology graduate students' clinical work and research with children, adolescents and families.

691-695 Seminar (Varied Titles)
Selected topics of current significance in psychology. Research studies analyzed and theoretical advances explored. Credit, variable; may be repeated for additional credit.

696 Independent Study (Readings)
Credit, variable; may be repeated for additional credit.

697 Special Topics
Credit, variable.

698 Practicum
Credit, variable.

699 Master’s Thesis
May be repeated for additional credit. Minimum credit, 1; maximum, 10.

704 History and Systems of Psychology
General structure of psychological theory and historical and comparative consideration of the backgrounds, viewpoints on scientific methodology, research interests and techniques, and component variables, hypotheses, and laws of structural, Gestalt, functional, and behavioristic movements.

705 Social Psychology in the Schools
Review and analysis of social psychological literature as it pertains to school and educational issues. Emphasis on social interaction in the classroom.

706 Cognitive Approaches to Instruction
Review and analysis of findings of psychology that pertain to instruction. Emphasis on practical control of learning activities, especially in the classroom.

707 Environment, Behavior and Design Evaluation
Interdisciplinary and problem oriented. Focus on a multifactor approach to design evaluation, including user-based evaluations, as an important component of the design process. Concepts, techniques, and qualitative and quantitative approaches from both the behavioral sciences and design professions. Lectures, discussions, practicum sessions.

711 Sensory Processes
Processes of encoding external stimuli through detailed examination of different sensory systems.

714 Perception
Primarily vision and audition. Stress on perceptual process, as opposed to sensory processes. Perception of form, space, depth; perceptual development and learning, etc. Prerequisite: PSYCH 310 or equivalent.

721 Conditioning
Fundamental principles and findings of classical conditioning. Topics include contemporary and traditional theories of conditioning, critical evaluation of relevant research literature, and physiological bases of conditioning.

723 Learning
Presentation of major concepts and findings from research on basic learning processes, and exploration of their implications for complex behavior. Basic processes include classical and operant conditioning, stimulus control, reinforcement, and aversive control. Complex behaviors include attention, memory and dysfunctional behavior. Topics may vary with student interests.

731 The Neuroanatomical Basis of Behavior
Structure and function of the mammalian nervous system as related to sensory-motor and motivational systems. Prerequisite: PSYCH 330 or equivalent.

732 Neurochemistry
In-depth survey of the biochemistry of the mammalian nervous system. Brain energy metabolism, brain lipids and myelin, blood-brain barrier, axonal transport, and major neurotransmitter systems. Prerequisites: biochemistry and either physiological psychology or neurobiology.

733 Psychopharmacology
Basic principles of pharmacology, behavioral pharmacology, review of neurotransmitter systems, psychotropic drugs and psychopathology, abused drugs, and theories of addiction. Prerequisite: PSYCH 330 or equivalent.

740 Topics in Quantitative Psychology
Topics vary. Some possibilities: regression analysis, experimental design, mathematical models of behavior. Prerequisites: PSYCH 640 and 641. May be repeated for credit.

750 Learning and Memory Processes in Children
Theoretical and experimental approaches to topics in learning and memory.

751 Cognitive Development: Foundations of Mind
Where does human knowledge come from? This course will explore the origins and nature of our cognitive capacities by examining how they develop across the lifespan within the individual child and in relation to two larger time scales: biological evolution and historical/cultural change. Sample topics include: basic perception, spatial navigation, object cognition, kinds and categories, understanding other minds, language, number, morality, and intergroup biases. Our understanding of each of these domains will be informed by a Developmental Science approach that examines evidence from multiple disciplines, including Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology, Philosophy of Mind, Anthropology, and the History of Science. This evidence will be brought to bear on questions including: How does knowledge change over the human lifespan? How does experience shape knowledge? How variable is human knowledge across different cultures? What aspects of knowledge are unique to our species, and what aspects are shared with other animals?

752 Perceptual Development in Children
Introduction to theories of perceptual development, consideration of sensory and perceptual capabilities of the infant, and analysis of developmental changes in perception in the infant and older children.

753 Personality and Social Development in Children
Review and analysis of literature on personality development and socialization process in children. Prerequisite: PSYCH 370 or equivalent.

762 Social Cognition
Attribution and other social judgment processes. Implicit causal theories in the interpretation and explanation of own and others’ behavior. Motivational and cognitive biases in social cognition. Prerequisite: PSYCH 660.

763 Social Learning
Theories of social learning, analysis of effectiveness of social reinforcement and observational learning. Prerequisite: PSYCH 620 or equivalent.

765 Affect and Cognition
Topics include the biological bases of emotion; the interface between emotion and cognition; cultural variation in emotion; and individual differences. Prerequisite: advanced graduate standing in psychology or related fields.

789 Clinical Practicum
Practice in application of psychological techniques to clinical settings and counseling. Taught with staffs of cooperating institutions and agencies. May be repeated for additional credit. Credit, variable.

791-795 Seminar (Varied Titles)
Selected topics of current significance in psychology. Research studies analyzed and theoretical advances explored. May be repeated for additional credit. Credit, variable.

796 Independent Study (Readings)
May be repeated for additional credit. Credit, variable.

797 Special Topics
Credit, variable.

798 Teaching Practicum in Psychology
Recommended for all doctoral candidates. Experience in procedures, leading discussion groups and teaching labs. Close supervision by faculty members. Meets once a week to discuss problems in teaching. May be repeated for additional credit. Credit, variable.

891-895 Seminar (Varied Titles)
Selected topics of current significance in psychology. Research studies and theoretical advances. May be repeated for additional credit. Credit, variable.

896 Independent Study (Readings)
May be repeated for additional credit. Credit, variable.

897 Special Topics
Credit, variable.

898 Clinical Internship
Year-long, full-time clinical experience. Intensive practical experience necessary for professional work. A requirement for the Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology; must be done at an internship facility accredited by the American Psychological Association or one approved by the Clinical faculty. Student eligibility must be certified by the Director of Training before acceptance of an internship. Prerequisites: successful completion of all required course work for the Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, completion of a Master’s degree, a comprehensive project, and approval of a doctoral dissertation proposal.

899 Doctoral Dissertation
Credit, 10


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565 Human Physiology

567 Comparative Physiology

569 Experimental Endocrinology

580 Developmental Biology

750 Advanced Animal Behavior

755 Systematics and Evolutionary Mechanisms



705 School Psychology Educational Assessment

735 Advanced Theory and Practice of Testing I

736 Advanced Theory and Practice of Testing II



511 Insect Behavior



601 Intensive Introduction to Transformational Grammar

711 Psycholinguistics: Language Acquisition

712 Psycholinguistics: The Perception of Linguistic Form



704 Advanced Sociological Theory

715 Survey Design and Analysis

726 Complex Organizations

728 Social Movements

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