UMA Graduate Bulletin 2014-2015
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Graduate Faculty
John F. Ahern, Vice Provost for International Programs and Professor, B.S., Massachusetts, 1974; M.L.A., Pennsylvania, 1980; F.A.S.L.A., 1996; Ph.D., Wageningen, 2002. Annaliese L. Bischoff, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, B.A., Brown, 1975; M.L.A., New York at Syracuse, 1979. Elizabeth Brabec, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, B.S., Guelph, 1981; M.L.A., 1984; J.D., Maryland, 1992. Ethan Carr, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Director of the MLA Program, B.A. & M.A., Columbia University; M.L.A., Harvard University Graduate School of Design; Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, 2006. Michael Davidsohn, Senior Lecturer II in Landscape Architecture, B.S., Massachusetts at Amherst, 1988; M.L.A., 1992. Michael DiPasquale, Extension Assistant Professor, B.A., University of Detroit, 1979; M.A., Washington University, 1982; M.R.P., University of Massachusetts, 2006. Elisabeth Hamin, Professor and Head of the Deparment of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, B.A., Cleveland State, 1984; M.B.A., Northwestern, 1986; Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1997. Mark Hamin, Senior Lecturer in Regional Planning and Director of the Master's Program in Regional Planning, B.A., Brown, 1984; Ph.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1999. Mark S. Lindhult, Professor of Landscape Architecture, B.S.L.A., Pennsylvania State, 1977; M.B.A., M.L.A., Illinois, 1980; F.A.S.L.A., 1998. Patricia L. McGirr, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, Assistant Department Head, Director of the BSLA Program and Director of the Sustainable Community Development Program, B.S., Michigan, 1984; M.L.A., 1994. Flavia Montenegro-Menezes, Assistant Professor of Regional Planning, Dipl., University Izabella Hendrix, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1995; Master's, DESS, UNESCO, France, 2001; PhD, Doctoral School ABIES, AgroParisTech, Paris, France, 2009. John R. Mullin, Professor of Regional Planning, B.A., Massachusetts, 1967; M.C.P., Rhode Island, 1969; M.S.B.A., Boston, 1972; Ph.D., Waterloo, 1975; Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners, 1999. Ellen J. Pader, Associate Professor of Regional Planning and Director of the Combined Degree Program in Regional Planing and Law (with Western New England University School of Law), B.A., Kenyon College, 1972; Ph.D., University of Cambridge, 1981. Darrel Ramsey-Musolf, Assistant Professor Regional Planning, B.A., UCLA 1990; MPA, Suffolk University, 2000; M.U.R.P. Cal Poly Pomona, 2004, Ph.D., UW-Madison, 2013. Henry Renski, Associate Professor of Regional Planning and Director of the Ph.D. Program in Regional Planning, B.A., Southern Maine, 1995; M.R.P., North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998; Ph.D., 2006. Robert L. Ryan, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning and Director of the Dual Degree Master's Program in Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, B.S.L.A., California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, 1985; M.L.A., M.U.P., Michigan, 1995; Ph.D., 1997. Frank Sleegers, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, M.L.A., Massachusetts at Amherst, 1995; Dipl.-Ing., Hannover, Germany, 1996. Jane Thurber, Lecturer in Landscape Architecture, B.A., Hamilton College, 1980; M.L.A., Harvard, 1985. Joseph S.R. Volpe, Professor of Landscape Architecture, B.S., California at Los Angeles, 1958; B.L.A., California at Berkeley, 1961; M.L.A., Harvard, 1964.
Adjunct Faculty Carolina Aragon, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Timothy W. Brennan, Adjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. F. Brockholst Cutting, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Wayne Feiden, Adjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. Peter Flinker, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Zenia Kotval, Adjunct Professor of Regional Planning. Sarah la Cour, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Margaret Leonard, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Dana MacDonald, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Robert Mitchell, Adjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. Melinda Reid, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Stanley Rosenberg, Adjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. Alan Seewald, Adjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. Stephen Stimson, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Richard Taupier, Adjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. Selene Weber, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture.
Faculty Emeriti Hugh C. Davis, Professor Emeritus of Regional Planning (1993). Nicholas Dines, Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture (2003). Julius Gy. Fabos, Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning (1998). Meir Gross, Professor Emeritus of Urban and Regional Planning (2002). Robert L. Kent, Jr., Associate Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture (1992). Gordon S. King, Professor Emeritus of Arboriculture and Park Administration (1983). John H. Martin, Professor Emeritus of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, (1999). Harold E. Mosher, Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture (1987). |
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