Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study

The Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (C.A.G.S.) is offered to provide an intensive cohesive program of professional development for educational specialists beyond the Master’s level. It requires an academic specific specialty area, without the extended commitment and formal examination of a doctoral program. The C.A.G.S. is not a university degree program, but a School of Education certificate program. The certificate is awarded upon completion of a 30-credit-hour program of study beyond the Master’s degree. All 30 credits must be taken at the University of Massachusetts Amherst within a four-year period, and at least 15 credits must be taken in the School of Education. A minimum of 18 credits of coursework used toward fulfillment of the C.A.G.S. requirement must be at or above the 600 level.

A detailed explanation of procedures to be followed by C.A.G.S. candidates may be found on the School of Education’s website, www.umass.edu/education/, by clicking on Certificates under Academics.

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