
All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise specified.

701 The Development of Sociological Theory
Selected European and American contributors and their systems of theory, in biographical, historical, and sociological perspective. Consent of instructor required.

702 Contemporary Sociological Theory
Modern sociological theory from 1920 to present. Prerequisites: SOCIOL 282 and 701, or consent of instructor.

704 Advanced Sociological Theory
Methodological analysis of contemporary sociological theory. Emphasis on theory construction, formalization and evaluation. Prerequisite: SOCIOL 701 and 702 or consent of instructor.

710 Research Methods I
Logical analysis of sociological inquiry; survey of major research techniques and examination of principal methodological problems in sociology.

711 Graduate Statistics for the Social Sciences I
A second statistics course for the social sciences. Topics include multiple regression analysis, use of qualitative independent variables, interaction effects, nonlinear effects, other topics related to the general linear model. Introduction to logistic regression. Prerequisite: a prior statistics course. Undergraduate students accepted with consent of instructor.

712 Graduate Statistics for the Social Sciences II
An intensive introduction to general linear models (multiple regression, analysis of variance, violations of regression assumptions, alternative estimation methods, simultaneous equation models) and qualitative data analysis (logistic regression, log-linear models and event history analysis). Prerequisite: SOCIOL 711 or consent of instructor in spring semester in time for any assigned summer preparation.

714 Research Methods II
Research techniques in sociology, including: formulating research objectives; collecting, processing, and analyzing data for a project organized around the problems of measurement in sociology.

715 Survey Design and Analysis
Design and analysis of sample surveys. All pertinent topics in design and analysis of survey data, including sampling, measurement, questionnaire design, field operations, coding and data reduction, scale and item analysis, mail and telephone surveys, interviewing techniques, and data analysis issues.

722 The Family
Examines trends and changes in U.S. family life—marriage, divorce, childbearing, gender roles—from a variety of theoretical perspectives, using demographic, historical, and ethnographic research sources.

723 Race and Ethnicity in the Sociological Imagination
Seminar emphasizing the social and historical construction of race, persisting patterns of racial and ethnic inequality, and the nature of racial privilege in the U.S. context of the Post-Civil Rights Era.

724 Social Class Inequality
The growing inequality of income and the erosion of the welfare state in the contemporary U.S., with some European comparisons. The contribution of several phenomena to these changes examined, including the decline of marriage, the increase in immigration, the expansion of the prison population, the growth in the service sector, the globalization of markets, and the success of “centrist” politics.

725 Political Sociology
The construction, legitimation, and delegitimation of political power; the formation of states, their expansion, and rebellion and revolution. Focus upon major theoretical perspectives, including pluralist, statist, institutionalist, class, feminist, and race-centered theories.

726 Complex Organizations
Overview of theories of organization structure, motivation, change efforts; impact of “globalization” on leaner, flatter structures; the effects of stock prices and institutional investors on management decisions, regarding outsourcing, down-sizing, mergers.

728 Social Movements
Analysis of the origins and structure of social movements, including studies of selected movements.

741 Criminology
Criminological theories, past and present; emphasis on present research trends as they relate to theoretical formulations. Consent of instructor required.

765 Historical Demography
Seminar. Analysis of past demographic records from a contemporary demographic-sociological perspective. Develops familiarity with the variety of sources—parish registers and civil registrations, enumerations and censuses, genealogies and population registers, and organizational and institutional records—used in historical demographic research. A variety of analytical methods for historical application illustrated through discussions of the major substantive issues in population history.

791C Comparative Historical Methods

791F Fieldwork and Interviewing

791G Sexuality and Social Theory

791N Social Networks and Analysis

791T Classical Theory

792B Gender Seminar

792D Comparative Welfare State

792P Political Sociology II

793B Labor Force Inequality

793C Cultural Sociology

793F Transitional Feminist Movements

793G World Systems

794A Gender and Society
Concepts of gender including: influential historical processes; the contemporary creation of gendered identities and relations; the ‘multiplicity’ of gender and resulting conflicts and alliances; relation to politics and power; inequalities of gendered labor; and movements for change. Also specific topics designed to meet class members’ interests.

794B Families and Work
Work, families, and their changing relationship. Historical legacy of separation of work and families. Broad range of contemporary work and contemporary family structure. Movements for change implemented or resisted by the state and professionals, employers and unions. Also specific topics designed to meet class members’ interests.

794D Gender and Employment

794E Sexuality, Politics and Policy

794R Seminar on Race

794S Post-Colonial Theory

795I Race, Ethnicity and Immigration

795Q Queer Theory

797A Teaching Sociology

797E Economic Sociology

797G Theory of Globilization

797O Ethnography

797R Race and Nation in Comparative Perspective

797S Science and Technology

797U Time Use: Theory and Empirical Analysis

899 Doctoral Dissertation
Credit, 18.

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