
Program-related Courses

ORG&EVBI 696 Master’s Independent Study
Laboratory research under direction of an OEB faculty member. Credit, 1-6.

ORG&EVBI 697B Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Discussion
Proseminar required for all new OEB students during 1st semester of residence Credit, 1.

ORG&EVBI 697Y Graduate Student Seminar Series
Student-presented seminars. Required of all OEB students. Typically taken during 2nd or 3rd year of residence. Credit, 1.

ORG&EVBI 699 Master’s Thesis
Credit, 1-10.

ORG&EVBI 790A OEB Evolution Core Course
Foundation in Ecology required of all OEB students, taken 1st or 2nd year. Credit, 4.

ORG&EVBI 790E OEB Ecology Core Course
Foundation in Ecology required of all OEB students, taken 1st or 2nd year. Credit, 4.

ORG&EVBI 796 Ph.D. Independent Study
Laboratory research under direction of an OEB faculty member. Credit, 1-6.

ORG&EVBI 899 Doctoral Dissertation

BIOLOGY 891A Section 5  Graduate Program Seminar (OEB)
Weekly seminars held during both semesters. Notable speakers invited by OEB faculty and students. Credit, 1.

Credit, 18.

Ecology and Evolution Courses

The following more specialized ecology and evolution electives are offered through participating departments.


BIOLOGY 514 Population Genetics

BIOLOGY 550 Animal Behavior

BIOLOGY 750 Advanced Animal Behavior

ENTOMOL 511 Insect Behavior

ENTOMOL 683 Insect Ecology

ENTOMOL 697B Field Research in Ecology

FOREST 577 Ecosystem Modeling and Simulation

FOREST 703 Advanced Forest Ecology

GEO-SCI 541 Paleoecology

GEO-SCI 658 Paleoclimatology

PSYCH 620 Learning and Animal Behavior

PSYCH 891 Behavioral Ecology

W&FCONSV 564 Wildlife Habitat Management

W&FCONSV 565 Wildlife Population Dynamics and Management

W&FCONSV 571 Fisheries Science and Management

W&FCONSV 697 Carnivore Ecology, Biology and Behavior

W&FCONSV 697A Conservation Biology

W&FCONSV 697L Landscape Ecology

W&FCONSV 720 Ecological Interactions of Fishes

W&FCONSV 768 Advanced Wetland Ecology


BIOLOGY 521 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

BIOLOGY 522 Vertebrate Fossils and Evolution

BIOLOGY 528 Principles of Evolution

BIOLOGY 540 Herpetology

BIOLOGY 542 Ichthyology

BIOLOGY 544 Ornithology

BIOLOGY 548 Mammalogy

BIOLOGY 597L Principles of Molecular Evolution

BIOLOGY 722 Vertebrate Paleontology

ENTOMOL 655 Systematic Entomology

ENTOMOL 697Q Evolutionary Genetics

GEO-SCI 697A Symbiosis

GEO-SCI 697B Protists

MICROBIO 560 Microbial Diversity

ORG&EVBI 797E Environmental Evolution

Statistics Requirement

BIOST&EP 540 Introductory Biostatistics

BIOST&EP 640 Intermediate Biostatistics

NRC 697M Multivariate Statistics for Natural Resources

NRC 697S Applied Statistics for Natural Resources

NRC 797 S & T Multivatiate Statistics for Natural Resources

PLNTSOIL 661 Intermediate Biometry

STATISTC 501 Methods of Applied Statistics


ENTOMOL 697C Grant Writing

ORG&EVBI 797T Skills for College Teachers

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