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Graduate Faculty
Elizabeth Brabec, Professor and Head of the Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, B.S., Guelph, 1981; M.L.A., 1984; J.D., Maryland, 1992. Elisabeth Hamin, Associate Professor of Regional Planning and Director of the Ph.D. Program in Regional Planning, B.A., Cleveland State, 1984; M.B.A., Northwestern, 1986; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 1997. Mark Hamin, Senior Lecturer in Regional Planning and Assistant Department Head and Director of the Graduate Program in Regional Planning, B.A., Brown, 1984; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 1999. Mark S. Lindhult, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Director of the Graduate Program in Landscape Architecture, B.S.L.A., Pennsylvania State, 1977; M.B.A., M.L.A., Illinois, 1980; F.A.S.L.A., 1998. Ellen-J. Pader, Associate Professor of Regional Planning and Director of the Combined Degree Program in Regional Planning and Law (with Western New England College of Law), B.A., Kenyon College, 1972, Ph.D., University of Cambridge, 1981. Robert L. Ryan, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning and Director of the Dual Degree Program in Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, B.S.L.A., California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, 1985; M.L.A., M.U.P., Michigan, 1995; Ph.D., 1997. John F. Ahern, Vice Provost for International Programs and Professor, B.S., Massachusetts, 1974; M.L.A., Pennsylvania, 1980; F.A.S.L.A., 1996; Ph.D., Wageningen, 2002. Annaliese L. Bischoff, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, B.A., Brown, 1975; M.L.A., New York at Syracuse, 1979. Ethan Carr, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, B.A & M.A., Columbia University, M.L.A., Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Michael Davidsohn, Senior Lecturer in Landscape Architecture, B.S., Massachusetts at Amherst, 1988; M.L.A., 1992. Michael DiPasquale, UMass Extension Educator, B.A., University of Detroit, 1979; M.A., Washington University, 1982; M.R.P., University of Massachusetts, 2006. Peter Kumble, Lecturer in Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, B.A., Antioch, 1980; M.L.A., Arizona, 1988. Patricia L. McGirr, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, B.S., Michigan, 1984; M.L.A., 1994. Flavia Montenegro-Menez, Assistant Professor of Regional Planning, Dipl., University Izabella Hendrix, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1995; Master's, DESS, UNESCO, France, 2001; PhD, Doctoral School ABIES, Paris, France, 2009. John R. Mullin, Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of Regional Planning, B.A., Massachusetts, 1967; M.C.P., Rhode Island, 1969; M.S.B.A., Boston, 1972; Ph.D., Waterloo, 1975; Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners, 1999. Henry Renski, Assistant Professor of Regional Planning, B.A., Southern Maine, 1995; M.R.P., North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998; Ph.D., 2006. Frank Sleegers, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture, M.L.A., Massachusetts at Amherst, 1995; Dipl.-Ing., Hannover, Germany, 1996. Elizabeth Thompson, Instructor of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Contracting. M.L.A. University of Massachusetts, 1992. Jane Thurber, Lecturer in Landscape Architecture, B.A., Hamilton College, 1980; M.L.A., Harvard, 1985. Joseph S.R. Volpe, Professor of Landscape Architecture, B.S., California at Los Angeles, 1958; B.L.A., California at Berkeley, 1961; M.L.A., Harvard, 1964.
Adjunct/Associate Faculty David Bloniarz, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Timothy W. Brennan, Adjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. John Collura, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Nancy Denig, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Harry L. Dodson, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Wayne Feiden, Adjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. John T. Finn, Professor of Systems Ecology. Paul Fisette, Professor of Natural Resources Conservation. Carol Heim, Professor of Economics. Paul Cawood Helmund, Adjunct Professor of Landscape Architecture. Zenia Kotval, Adjunct Professor of Regional Planning. Martha Lyon, Visiting Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Maureen Moriarty-Lempke, Adjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. Rutherford H. Platt, Professor Emeritus of Geosciences. Todd Richardson, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture. Stanley Rosenberg, Adjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. Charles Schweik, Professor of Natural Resources Conservation. Alan Seewald, Adjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. Paul W. Shuldiner, Professor of Civil Engineering. John Sinton, Adjunct Professor of Landscape Architecture. Richard Taupier, Adjunct Lecturer of Regional Planning. Rodney B. Warnick, Professor of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Roger Washburn, Adjunct Lecturer of Landscape Architecture.
Faculty Emeriti Theodore Bacon, Professor Emeritus of Regional Planning (1982). Hugh C. Davis, Professor Emeritus of Regional Planning (1993). Nicholas Dines, Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture (2003). Julius Gy. Fabos, Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning (1998). Meir Gross, Professor Emeritus of Urban and Regional Planning (2002). Robert L. Kent, Jr., Associate Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture (1992). Gordon S. King, Professor Emeritus of Arboriculture and Park Administration (1983). E. Bruce MacDougall, Professor Emeritus of Regional Planning (2002). John H. Martin, Professor Emeritus of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, (1999). Harold E. Mosher, Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture (1987). Paul N. Procopio, Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture (1983). Andrew J.W. Scheffey, Professor Emeritus of Regional Planning (1987). |
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