Research Services

Research Services, available to the University research community, is composed of the following facilities:

The Earth Science Information Office provides various types of maps and other cartographic information, including aerial photographs and space images.

The Electron Microscopy Facility offers training and assistance to researchers with projects involving ultrastructural analysis, principally of biological specimens.

The Environmental Analysis Laboratory provides chemical analysis of water, soils, tissue, and other environmental media for University researchers, public agencies, and other publicly-supported clients.

The Genomics and Bioinformatics Facility provides DNA sequencing, real-time PCR, freezer program, microarray analysis, and bioinformatics.

The Glassblowing Laboratory provides scientific glassblowing services for all research needs.

For additional information, contact the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement, 362 Whitmore Administration Bldg., tel. (413) 545-3881.

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